domingo, 8 de março de 2015


Music of the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians & Greeks


1. Musical Excerpts....Anon. (2nd c. AD)
2. Lament...Anon. (2nd or 3rd c. AD)
3. Fragment 1...Anon. (2nd c. AD)
4. Paean...Anon. (3rd or 4th c. AD)
5. Trochaic fragment....Anon. (3rd c. AD)
6. Four settings of a line from "Epitrepontes" by Menander...Anon.(3rd c.AD)
7. Excerpts mentioning Eros and Aphrodite...Anon. (2nd or 3rd c. AD)
8. Musical excerpt...Anon. (3rd c. AD)
9. Hypolydian excerpt...Anon. (2nd or 3rd c. AD)
10. Fragment 3...Anon. (3rd c. AD)
11. A zaluzi to the gods...Anon. (c. 1225 BC)
12. Hurrian Hymns 19 and 23...Anon. (c.1225 BC)
13. Hurrian Hymns 13 and 12...Urhiya/Anon. (c. 1225 BC)
14. Hurrian Hymn 2...Anon. (c. 1225 BC)
15. Hurrian Hymn 8...Urhiya (c. 1225 BC)
16. Hurrian Hymn 5...Puhiya(na) (c. 1225 BC)
17. Hurrian Hymns 4, 21 and 22... Anon. (c. 1225 BC)
18. Hurrian Hymns 7 and 10...Anon. (c. 1225 BC)
19. Hurrian Hymns 16 and 30...Anon. (c.1225 BC)
20. Musical Instructions for "Lipit-Ishtar, King of Justice" (c. 1950 BC)
21. Trumpet call...Anon./Plutarch
22. Isis sistrum rhythm...Anon./Apuleius
23. Theban banquet scene...Anon. (14th c. BC)
24./25. Harp pieces (A) (B)...Anon. (7th or 6th c. BC)

Ensemble De Organographia

De Organographia:
Philip Neuman, Gayle Stüwe Neuman combina musicologia astuto,
 prática de desempenho e elaboração de instrumento na realização 
desta incrível coleção de música a partir de 1950 aC a 300 dC. 

Da mais velha música escrita do mundo, 
renderizações vocais são acompanhados com lyres realizados, 
kithara, pandoura, tubos de junco dobro, flautas e outros instrumentos antigos.

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